Decorate my grave

By Sachi Mehta

decorate my grave with the jewels i gave you and mourn my death as if you weren't the one that killed me. scream at the sky and wonder why you lost me, knowing it was your love that drowned me. all you ask is all that you know, you never loved me and for me that was death enough and when you're angry at the world for taking me away, hope they realize it's all just for show.

you killed the lover in me and left me beyond repair. forget about loving, you made sure i never hoped again. this was your love, this is what you did to me. stop weeping at my grave wearing my jewels pretending i'm no longer in misery.

when the sky goes black and the rain starts to pour, when the silence starts to feel too much like regret and my name builds in your throat like a scream, know that will be your silent despair and i will echo in your destiny. when everything goes wrong and you remember my long-forgotten name that is when i will truly beam.

cry because you lost me. shriek because you did. it doesn't matter if you wear my jewels to my grave. I'll still haunt you for an eternity.


Photo by Jinao Wang


Of Shakespeare by Anonymous